Chapter 3 Surveillance Communications
Below are the questions and indicative answers to Covert Surveillance Theory by each chapter.
If you are taking the assessments for the Level 4 NQF qualifications in surveillance, you are advised not to copy and paste these answers into your workbook. It will be easily noticed if you do, and you will be struck off for plagiarism.
Only the indicative content is included, not the complete answers, therefore you will have to answer your questions in full to level 4 standard.

Chapter 3 Questions - Communications
1. Explain the following terms and expressions used in surveillance:
Consult the Glossary of Surveillance Terms.
3. Give the phonetic meaning for the following letters:
You should know this.
4. Describe the alternative methods of communication.
Mobile phones
Hand signals
WhatsApp messaging (Viber, Zello, Signal)
Unlimited range
Poor signals
Cross contamination
5. Describe at least two methods of the ‘click’ system of covert communication.
When & why?
4 clicks - AMAQ
3 Clicks - Yes
2 clicks - No
Rapid clicks - Standby
Alternative 1
4 clicks
3 Clicks - STM
2 clicks - Yes
1 click - No
0 clicks
Alternative 2
4 clicks
3 Clicks - STM
2 clicks - Yes
0 clicks – No
6. Describe the ways of keeping sensitive information secure when using the radio.
Code words
Spot maps
Mobile phone
7. Explain why a mobile callsign ‘Shadows’ a foot team.
Change of personnel
Radio relay
Rolling stakeout
8. Calculate the length of a ‘quarter wave’ antenna to be fitted to your car when your operating frequency is 172.5MHz
300 = X then X divided by 4 =
9. Explain why WhatsApp a useful communication tool in surveillance.
Accessible to all
Messaging & talk facility
Drop location pins
Chronological reporting
Unlimited range
Location services
10. Explain the disadvantages of using the Zello app over VHF radio.
Takes place of both car set and handset
Unlimited range
Works to your phone
No need for external antenna
Foxtrot & mobile
Unreliable signal
Delay in transmissions
No covert accessories
End of chapter