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Can we hire you as a photographer to take images for our website and marketing material?Yes, certainly. Peter can spend time designing and suggesting imagery to be taken that suits your brand and purpose, so that you do not ever have to use ‘stock’ images again. Be unique!
We are from an Awarding Organisation, would you be happy to join our team as an EQA?Yes, Peter would be happy to work with other AO’s in my specialism.
What happened to the ISS Client base?The prestige clients are still maintained by Tyto Consulting, others we will let fall by the wayside. If you are from a surveillance training organisation and feel you can offer training to the same standards, please contact us for referrals.
What equipment should my training provider be using?Be aware of training providers taking shortcuts to cut costs to enhance their profits Any training provider can be judged on the equipment and resources that are provided (or otherwise) that enables realistic and professional training for the real world. Vehicles If it’s a mobile & foot surveillance course, the majority of your time should be spent in the cars carrying out ‘coached’ mobile surveillance exercises. On a 5 day course, this should be at least 4 days in the cars under the guidance and tuition of an instructor. Some companies, minimise the time you spend in the cars as a cost cutting exercise as they do not wish to pay for rentals. Communications Comms, is the most important part of any surveillance operation. You should not be expected to use your own mobile phone as the primary method of communication. A mobile surveillance conducted entirely over WhatsApp is absolutely unprofessional. You should be concentrating on what’s going on around you rather looking down into your phone. Do not accept body worn radios fitted with white iPod style headsets. You all look the same, there is uniformity, and it is not covert. Again, some training providers cut costs by using substandard equipment rather than use the correct and proper covert wireless equipment. When your instructors issue you with the iPod earpieces, ask them, ‘did you use those in the Police’? Imagery Each car team should have at least one video camera (or DSLR camera), plus a covert camera in each vehicle. Sharing one camera between 8 students or asking them to use their phone to obtain imagery should not be acceptable. Being shown a fancy camera on a course and then never using it is just unwanted gloss. Assessment Ask your training provider what the average pass mark is. If it is 100%, then they clearly have a policy to pass everyone, regardless of whether they have the aptitude and skills for it. Having taught surveillance over 25 years, it is apparent that not everyone has the aptitude for this type of specialist work and therefore not everyone can make the grade. Any training provider that passes everyone, is clearly thinking about the money and is totally irresponsible. They are conning learners and let out into the industry thinking that they are good, when in fact they are not. If you have done a course in the recent past, ask yourself, did the guy who lacked aptitude the most also get a pass? The excuse of, ‘if someone should fail, it is down to poor instruction’ does not wash. After teaching this subject for over two decades, there are those who can and there are those that can’t (it’s called aptitude). Why do you think enforcement, intelligence & special forces run selection courses prior to the proper training?
Do you still teach surveillance and intelligence related subjects?Yes, we offer the non-accredited courses to the public such as: · Foot Surveillance · Open-Source Intelligence · Surveillance Detection · Covert Photography We also offer specialist training to a select few retained clients.
Who are Tyto Consultants?Peter Jenkins resigned as Director and founder of ISS Training Ltd after a very successful career in teaching surveillance and covert work all over the world. Peter is continuing in a new direction to carry out consultancy work and a break from mainstream teaching. ISS has been re-branded as ‘Tyto Consultancy Services Ltd’
How can you help us set up our surveillance training school?Certainly. Take a look at our ‘Course in a Case’. Peter can visit your centre and advise on training programmes, lesson structure, realistic training exercises, the assessment process and internal verification. He can provide you with: Course Programmes Lesson Plans PowerPoint Lessons & Presentations Supporting Reading Material (Handouts) Briefing, Planning & Reporting Templates Training Exercise Scenarios Assessment Procedures & Audit Trails If you have surveillance experience but do not have the knowledge or experience of delivering accredited courses, this ‘Course in a Case’ is provided with ongoing support.
Can you be our Assessor or Internal Verifier for our training courses?Yes. Peter would be happy to assess or verify your assessment procedures, so long as it does not conflict with any official EQA assessments.
We are an operational close protection training company; would you be happy to teach and advise our team on matters relating to surveillance detection and Counter Surveillance?Yes, Peter has taught operational CP companies in the UK and abroad including; Sweden, Ireland, South Africa, Ukraine, Norway and Switzerland.
We are from a close protection training organisation, would you be happy to teach for one or two days on our course delivering the modules on surveillance & surveillance detection?Yes, Peter has taught on CP training courses in the UK to several companies and abroad including Sweden, Ukraine, South Africa, Norway and Switzerland.
Can you teach the OSINT module (Unit 11) for our Advanced Surveillance Course?Yes, if you are conducting training for the Level 4 Certificate in Covert Operations, this specialist training can be taught in one day for the students to then progress and produce work for their OSINT assessment portfolio. See ‘Unit 11: Open Source Intelligence L/617/3680’ of the course specification.
Can you teach the Digital Photography Module (Unit 9) for our Advanced Surveillance Course?Yes, if you are conducting training for the Level 4 Certificate in Covert Operations, this specialist training can be taught in one day for the students to then progress and produce work for their assessment portfolio. See ‘Unit 9: Digital Cameras and Photographic Techniques R/617/3678’ of the course specification.
As an EQA, working for the awarding organisations, are you not helping your ‘competitors’ improve?There are two parts to this answer: First of all, yes, we are helping those surveillance training companies that we assess. We are providing impartial expert advice on how to improve and offer a more standardised service that benefits their learners. We are imparting with our experience for the company and their trainers to improve in terms of procedures and expert quality training and assessment. As for the second part, they are not ‘competitors’ of ours. Tyto do not offer accredited surveillance training courses, therefore they cannot be considered as competition. Those training companies EQA’d by us will benefit from our experience in order to rise against ‘their’ competitors.
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