Photographer, Photo Journalist & Location Scout
Commercial Photographer
Peter works semi-professionally as a commercial photographer and photo journalist.
Why use the same 'stock' images on your website and marketing material that your competitors use? You need to be unique and differentiate yourself from the rest.
If you require fresh and original images for your website or presentations, Peter can work with you to achieve quality images that are unique to your brand or the service you provide. It is not expensive as you might think, so please get in touch.
Photo Journalist
Peter is a full member of the National Union of Journalists and has worked across Europe on various investigative assignments.
If you require 1 to 1 photography training (or in a small group), Peter can teach you the basics & advanced methods of covert imagery & photography to get that 'money shot'.
Location Scout
Peter has experience as a location scout for advertising and corporate photo shoots.